Our Sunday Church School teaches the Christian faith as stated in the Nicene Creed, and as articulated in the historic councils of the Church.
The lessons follow the entire Church Year, being drawn directly from the Holy Scripture and the Episcopal 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Most of the lessons topics (with a few exceptions) are the same for all ages, aiding the teaching of a mixed-age class, and allowing families to work together on learning the themes.
The lessons cover a three-year span, one Volume per year. Each Volume covers forty-one weeks of the year, from mid-September through Trinity Sunday (usually mid-June), a total of 123 lessons. The major feasts and liturgical seasons, the Seven Sacraments, prayer and the Nicene Creed are all addressed. From late Trinity to Advent, lessons are devoted to the Old Testament, and from Lent to Trinitytide lessons address New Testament teachings.
*Our Sunday School classes will resume during Fall 2009